I've had this one on the sidebar for a long time and did not realize it deserves a post.
So here it is the "Crazy Tree"
Crazy Tree
Labels: a, Crazy Tree, deserves, post
Car Trouble?
Here is a woman who somehow gets her car stuck between two buildings.
Woman Drives Car Into Building Gap - Watch more Auto Videos
4 minutes 8sec
Labels: car trouble, two buildings, Woman
Backflip Into Jeans
At the end of the video about 1 minute 20 seconds into it is the final leap into jeans is off a teeter totter. An impressive back flip.
1 minute 46 sec
Labels: Backflip, jeans, teeter totter
Origami with Rob Lang
Paragliding in the fog
Paragliding through the fog until a tree gets in the way. Hes got more guts than I...
3 minutes 2 sec
Labels: fog, guts, paragliding, tree
Tongue Trap In Slow Motion
Slow motion stupidity but it is amazing how fast his brain reacts to the pain. At 1000 frames per second his brain responds 90 milliseconds after the trap slams shut.
Slow Motion Mouse Trap Snap - Watch more free videos
44 seconds
Labels: frames per second, milliseconds, pain, react, respond, tongue, trap
The human spider
Climber scales 80 ft. pyramid with ease and then makes it look easy on his way back down.
Amazing Climber Scales 80 Ft Pyramid - Watch more Sports Videos
1 minute 7 sec
Lucky Man
Man wearing a harness but it seems that it was never attached to anything. Very lucky!
Lucky Oil Man Nearly Falls To Death - Watch more free videos
30 sec
Fiddle me this?
This guy is an outstanding fiddle player.
Amazing Fiddle Player -
3 minutes 16 sec
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